The Recognition Machine @ Cinema Nova
The Recognition Machine has been a welcome guest in the huge corridor of Brussels’ cultural gem Cinema Nova.
In the age of facial recognition, here’s a machine that questions some of our anthropometric practices. Similar to a photo booth, the “recognition machine” invites visitors to take a photo of themselves. The photo activates an algorithm that attempts to establish links between the recorded pixels and those in a database of images of 19th-century colonized people. Then the machine prints your portrait with the faces the algorithm associates it with. A disturbing experiment that links contemporary surveillance regimes with those of a colonial past. A QR code leads you to the colonial database and an invitation to comment.
The Recognition Machine is a creation by artists Antje Van Wichelen and Michael Murtaugh, backed by the collectives Troubled Archives and ICV.
New Hero(ïn)es @ studio Silvano Magnone
The project New Hero(ïn)es kicks off with a day of mutual portrait photography and conversation between the members of the Troubled Archives collective. We apply the 19th Century collodion technique on ourselves. The last photo of the day is a creation by the master himself, Silvano Magnone; a group portrait of the Troubled Archives collective.