21C_19C / emotions: the first debate/4

This debate took place at KAOS in Ixelles, Brussels. KAOS is a wonderful place, a gallery involved in art and psychiatry. It was September 20, 2017.Before the start, I was really nervous and I was not alone; I felt tension in the atmosphere. But during the debate, the people were really courageous and willing to express themselves… and als to listen to one another. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and points of view!


venue: KAOS, Ixelles
organizer: nadine
moderator: Peggy Pierrot
video: Shelbatra Yashari

21C/19C_Procedures for Anthropometric Image Reversal is a performative 16mm film work on the painful colonial archive, specifically the anthropometric photography of 1860-1900. Western photographers took images, sometimes in a ‘scientific’ project, sometimes in a more exotic goal, always in an unequal power relation. In the Labo BxL dark lab, I have manipulated the images I filmed; with manual illumination while copying the negative onto positive film. Hence the overexposure and the sliding of the images in the projection. I tested showing this film work in a series of debates, in order to learn how I should contextualize it. One of the conclusions is, to always give the public (at performances, in exhibitions) a chance to answer. Like in this debate; in French and English mostly.