Contributing to Afrikadaa – Unsettling Photocollections

In Afrikadaa I publish about the artistic search I conduct on the  19th century anthropometric photocollections : the search for the context, the search for the photomaterial itself, and, most of all, the sensitive questions on how to use, by whom, and how to speak of these unsettling images. read more…

Nederlandse versie voorlopig in stilstand

Beste taalgenoot. Tot op vandaag heb ik gehoopt de Nederlandse versie van deze blog nog in te halen of te kunnen onderhouden. Helaas slaag ik er zelfs niet in, de Engelse versie up-to-date te houden.

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Contributing to DW B: Anthropometric photography

I have been looking into the 19th century photography, as a central means to invent and define the ‘other’. It is a very interesting part of imperial and of photographic history, and it has become the core of my research. This month I publish on this in the leading literary magazine DW B.  read more…